If you’re thinking about starting a small garden but feel like a total newbie, here are some simple ideas to get you moving towards growing on a small and manageable scale.

Go Vertical

Going vertical saves on space and is visually pleasing to the eye. 

Square Foot Gardening

The idea behind square foot gardening is to plant a variety of plants in a small amount of space. You’ll have to put a little bit of money into constructing the raised beds and filling them with soil, but once you put in the work, you can get consistent organic vegetables.

Even if you don’t do a square foot garden, a raised garden has its benefits: it prevents grass from growing in your garden space, you get easier access to your plants, and there is no wasted space.

Container gardening

Another version of a raised garden is to grow vegetables in a container. We recommend you to use protective seal, a liner and brackets on the corner for the crates. These are great because they are portable and you can move them around as needed.

Inside gardening

If you don’t have any outdoor space and you don’t have any indoor space that gets sunlight, consider indoor gardening ideas. It may be an option if you’re desperate for some indoor greens and can’t get any sunlight. Plus, it makes a beautiful display.

Windowsill boxes

If you are really tight on space, consider starting as basic and as small as growing some lettuce in your windowsill. Think of how convenient it will be to harvest lettuce from your window; you’ll always have the beginnings of a salad.

When deciding what to grow, ask yourself:

1) Where do I want to start my garden?

2) How much sunlight does that space get?

3) What box or pot will the vegetables grow in?

4) Which produce or herbs will I use most in the kitchen?

5) What season is it?

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