Winter is one time of the year when you can expect your vegetable garden to really thrive. In summer, you face the risk of plants getting scorched or dried up if you forget to water them at least once a day. On the other hand, monsoon brings with it deadly tales of pests and creepy crawlies of all kinds. The vegetables are fresh in the market, and the variety endless from carrots to spinach. If you are short on space, you can grow these vegetables in pots.  Just ensure they get at least a few hours of direct sunlight.

Here’s the list of Veggies

1. Onions
2. Garlic
3. Spring Onions
4. Spinach
5. Beans
6. Peas
7. Asparagus
8. Winter Salads
9. Carrots
10. Tomato

Some tips for a successful harvest:
  • Sow seeds in a seedling tray and transplant them once they are about 6-9 inches in height.
  • Just sprinkle water after you have sowed the seeds.
  • Do not keep them in direct sunlight until they have sprouted.
  • Do not over water. Feel how wet the soil is with your finger.
  • If you fertilize, water, else the plants have a tendency to burn.

Are you ready to get started with your winter garden?

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